Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Having a Hard Time Meditating?

Having a Hard Time Meditating?

For many people it is not easy to meditate. There are all kinds of reasons why. If you are having a hard time meditating, hopefully what follows will help. 

First, if you are trying to meditate on your own and having difficulties, consider attending yoga and meditation classes. You’ll be guided by a practitioner that can help create or adjust your meditative routine so you experience less difficulty, making your regular meditation routines more positive.

Second, many people have working schedules that conflict with available times at nearby yoga and meditation locations. Its either ‘go it alone’ or not at all. Ongoing cost for attending classes is also a consideration. For this situation consider adding a ‘meditative tool’ such as an audio and visual entrainment device. These devices, commonly known as light and sound machines, gently guide the individual into deep states of consciousness without any effort. Light and sound brainwave frequency stimulation takes you to your desired meditative state through the process of brainwave entrainment.

Light and sound machines are mind entrainment tools. The method by which this entrainment occurs is known as the Frequency Following Response. Through the use of audio (headphones) and visual (eye frames with RGB-based LEDchips) stimulation, participants are gently guided into specific states of mind (beta, alpha, theta and delta). Each audio beat and light pulse is a specific frequency. Our minds "think" in terms of frequency. Brainwaves change frequencies based on neural activity within the brain, be it by hearing, touch, smell, vision and/or taste. These senses respond to activity from the environment and transmits that information to the brain via electrical signals. Hearing and vision are considered favorable senses for affecting brainwaves safely. By presenting these beats and pulses to the brain, within a few minutes, the brain begins to mimic or follow the same frequencies as the stimuli (the beats and pulses). This process is referred to as entrainment. In essence, light and sound machines speak to the mind in it's own language- the language of frequency. 

Using light and sound for meditation is simple, affordable and easy to use.  Brainwave frequency stimulation before, during or after meditation sessions can definitely ease the burden of trying to relax, quell brain chatter and not end up falling asleep. With light and sound, clients have realized greater peace, relaxation, ease and naturalness in their lives. 

In light and sound meditation, people are encouraged not to strain or make an effort to stay awake. Meditation has to do with not resisting the natural flow of life. If you are falling asleep whenever you meditate, however, it may mean you need more rest. The body takes advantage of the relaxed state in meditation to take the rest it needs. Perhaps you need to be getting more sleep at night. If this is what is happening, the way to stop falling asleep in meditation is to get more sleep in general. Also, if you meditate lying down you are much more likely to fall asleep.

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