Monday, September 24, 2018

Gateway to Relaxation at Will

LED Light Glasses for Brainwaves

Notice the two LED positioning of the light frame on top and the ‘light intensity wheel’ for adjusting the brightness for the light frames on the bottom. The top light frame was used with the IQ 9110 and the light frame with the light intensity wheel was used with the IQ Jr light and sound brainwave frequency mind machine. The process applied by some of these machines is said to induce brainwave synchronisation or entrainment. The development of alpha EEG feedback (see neurofeedback) is an important starting point for biofeedback and its explicit use for entering altered states of consciousness. In these decades, Jack Schwarz built one of the first mind machines using rhythmic sounds and variable frequency lights in goggles to produce certain mental states.[5] Enterprises started to produce different types of mind machines and also some scientist followed the line of research to explore if and how these devices elicit effects on brain processes.

mind machine
Binaural beats are auditory sounds that are transmitted to the brain via electrical frequencies or Hertz (Hz). The brain then processes the audio stimulation and responds. Hearing, processing, then responding. In 1839 Heinrich Wilhelm Dove realized and researched how binaural beat stimulation affected the mind. Through the years public opinion indicates binaural beats can induce a desirable brainwave state of consciousness, especially associating the ability to relax, meditate or for getting creative or going to sleep.

This is how binaural beats stimulate the brainwaves of the mind: have two separate channels that generate independent brainwave frequencies; set one channel at a specific frequency such as 235Hz and the second channel at 244Hz. The difference in Hertz between the two channels is what the mind actually ‘hears’. In this example the difference is 9Hz, which is in the alpha or relaxed and focused brainwave state of mind. 

A common misconception is the belief that to be effective binaural beat stimulation must be listened to through headphones or earbuds. In “Mind States / An Introduction to Light and Sound Technology” the author, Michael Landgraf, describes the before, during and after- effects of audio pulsed binaural beat frequencies generated through laptop speakers, stereo speakers and in one instance a P.A. system, to educational, medical and law enforcement communities. Apparently, when playing two independent tones or frequencies in an audience situation, perception of the binaural beat audio stimulation appears to be somewhat altered when compared to using headphones. Depending upon the area of the room frequency stimulation can travel certain distances before being heard, and the sounds being heard, the audio brainwave stimulation, will be bouncing off walls or weakening, creating in effect offset frequencies. And here is where it gets fun. In the Mind Machines blog there is a post Next Big Brother Technology that describes the possibilities of pulsed binaural beat frequency generation in audience situations. Binaural beat stimulation for audience participation is a safe, cost-effective way for achieving targeted brainwave states. The frequency generator Mind Machines uses for generating sound frequencies is the “virtual515” dual-independent binaural beat MP3 by Christopher Oliver. The programs contained in the ‘515’ include: Energize (Beta), Relax (Alpha), Learning (Theta), Visualization (Alpha/Theta) and Sleep (Delta). 

In the educational community, teachers have found conducting their classroom activities while simultaneously playing binaural beat programs, at very low volume, promotes physical and emotional states of relaxation while mentally focused in students during classroom activities. As various research studies have proven, students in a relaxed state are capable of assimilating and retaining more information than students who are in excited or anxious states. There are two ways teachers and students can use binaural beat brainwave stimulation for learning and relaxation. For personal use, where the student will be stationary, headphones or earbuds are preferred. If the students will be moving around or there are several individuals listening simultaneously, then stereo (or amplified or computer) speakers work best. Binaural beats targeting the alpha, theta or combination of alpha and theta appear to enhance academic performance. The audio frequencies generated need not be played loud to be effective. The volume of the binaural beats should be about the same as the "hum" of a fluorescent light.

A mind machine (aka brain machine or light and sound machine) uses pulsing rhythmic sound, flashing light, electrical or magnetic fields, or a combination of these, to alter the frequency of the user's brainwaves. What I like about these View Hole lightframes by Mind Alive is how well built they are. There are some really cheap looking open-eye lightframes out there that pale in comparison to the View Holes. View Holes are sturdy with solid construction, have white overlays covering the LEDs that are situated around the periphery of your vision and are made to last, especially with everyday use. And their cost is minimal, only $20 more than the normal closed-eye lightframe variety. Mind machines can induce deep states of relaxation, concentration, and in some cases altered states of consciousness, which have been compared to those obtained from meditation and shamanic exploration. Photic mind machines work with flickering lights embedded in sunglasses.

In addition to binaural beat stimulation being utilized as a tool for learning, Mind Machines has sponsored learning/relaxation programs that incorporate this type of frequency generation into their daily work environment. In business, medical, law enforcement and retail settings results indicate an environment conducive to relaxed, focused awareness. The benefits agencies and businesses using binaural beat stimulation may include increased worker harmony and production with a decrease in employee absenteeism due to stress.

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